Assessment / Consulting

Every conflict is an opportunity.   We help the church, organization, business, or individuals involved evaluate their personal participation and relationships, as well as the systems of the organization which may be contributing to creation of conflict, and the organization’s culture of addressing disagreements.  This service consists of an opportunity for leadership and key participants to meet with a consultant to assess and explore steps they may take to address existing conflicts and situations which are likely to result in conflict.

The service may involve one or more telephone conferences with the consultant, or may occur in an on-site visit so that the consultant can meet and explore specific needs, as well as provide preliminary coaching and teaching.  The assessment and consulting service is designed to help the leadership evaluate their current conflict culture, steps that can be taken to address presenting issues, and to assess steps to be taken in the future, to both address the presenting issues and to help the organization develop healthy, long-term relationships and operating systems.