Principles for Transforming the Work Relationships of your Staff

Imagine bringing easy-to-use, biblical principles of relational health and conflict resolution to your team. How would that affect their personal lives and your organizational performance?

Ideally, you’d like your people to resolve their conflicts one-on-one, but as a leader, you know that sometimes they need help to make that happen. The first step is to provide them with the principles that help them address their conflicts well, without involving managers and supervisors.  This is provided in a live training, Principles for Transforming Conflict in the Workplace.  This training is a six-hour live training event that gives your staff an introduction to the principles that can guide them to address conflict in a productive and appropriate manner on their own. It uses an adult learning model, including interactive exercises, discussion of workplace-based case studies, demonstrations, and role-plays – giving them the practical skills and understanding they need to find positive and long-lasting solutions to their workplace conflicts (and probably at home too).

For sample Participant Guides, designed for individuals of all faiths and philosophical views see the referenced Guides and the non-referenced Guide