In addition to providing services designed to help participants reach resolution and reconciliation, we seek to help the church, organization, or business evaluate and assess their relationship patterns, systems, and culture as they relate to resolving disagreements and conflicts. Based on these assessments, we provide teaching of the basic principles of conflict resolution according to biblical principles. We also provide guidance, consulting, and equipping to help the organization equip their own people to provide conflict resolution guidance within the organization in the future, allowing there to be a long-term change in their future work as an organization or team.
This service includes teaching the basic principles for effective conflict resolution early in the process to give as many in the organization as possible an understanding and ability to apply the principles in their personal as well as corporate conflicts. This is presented in the form of a seminar with participant guides, or in the form of an “application workshop ”.
Within the organization or business setting, teaching and encouraging employees and volunteers to apply biblical principles for resolving conflict in their personal lives and at work brings a more productive and effective team environment. We can provide you with suggested resources to teach basic principles to all of your employees, volunteers, and members. These resources include live presentations of the basic principles, (Conflict Resolution Principles) including the equipping of your own staff to present this material yourself, and a facilitated DVD based study (Resolving Everyday Conflict) covering the basic principles with group discussion.
We also offer equipping/training services for individuals within the organization to provide conflict coaching and mediation using the organization’s staff as the conflict coaches and/or mediators. This equipping is available for training supervisors and managers to be effective conflict coaches to those they lead, and for staff who will serve as more formal conflict coaches and mediators. This training is offered through our partner organization, Peacemaker Ministries.
Workplace & Team Conflict Equipping
The long-term effectiveness of teaching employees the biblical principles for resolving conflict in their personal lives and at work is enhanced when supervisors and leaders both understand the principles and have the skills to help others apply the skills in conflicts that arise at work. We provide an interactive training of supervisors, and leadership in the basic principles as well as the skill of coaching others to apply the principles (Transforming Conflict in the Workplace). The training is designed for individuals of all faiths and philosophical views. Contact us for more information regarding this training at
Continuing Assistance and Consulting
This service is provided at the end of the on-site work and as an on-going consulting arrangement to ensure the embedding of the skills and principles learned during the on-site work. It is custom designed to meet your needs, over a period of time that fits your goals. We are also available to serve as conflict coaches, mediators, and arbitrators in the matters that require a party outside your organization or business to facilitate the resolution process, see Mediation & Arbitration.