Essential Training for Managers Transforming Conflict in the Workplace

Transforming Conflict in the Workplace is a six-hour live training event that gives your managers an introduction to the skill of “conflict coaching”—the ability to informally guide and help others to resolve conflict on their own.

It uses an adult learning model, including interac¬tive exercises, discussions of workplace-based case studies, demonstrations, and role plays—giving them the practical skills and understanding they need to help employees find positive and long-lasting solutions to their workplace conflicts (and probably at home, too).

For sample Participant Guides, designed for individuals of all faiths and philosophical views see the referenced Guides and the non-referenced Guide

Key Benefits of the Training
• Employees apply the principles and get the help they need to address difficult conflicts on their own without involving management.
• Better relationships between employees.
• Better efficiency/productivity in the workplace.
• Managers can effectively explain and model the principles themselves.
• Encourage actions consistent with your Employee Policies on resolving conflicts and handling grievances.
•    Builds managers’ “soft skills” making them more effective as leaders
•    Managers move employees towards positive change with a relatively short time investment, rather than just telling them to stop doing what they are doing.

Does It Work” – A “Double ROI”
Whether a church, ministry organization, non-profit, or business, we provide guidance, consulting, and equipping to help the organization equip their own people to provide conflict resolution guidance within the organization in the future, allowing there to be a long-term change in their future work as an organization or team.  It is an investment in your staff, equipping them to take a big step forward in the way they address conflict and building a stronger team. It produces a double return on your investment:

Your employees can learn skills that will benefit them in relationships outside the office (marriage, children, extended family, neighbors, church, etc.).

Your organization will profit from employees who bring less personal stress into the office and who are skilled at resolving workplace conflicts in constructive ways