Services for Individuals, Families, & Marriages

“If any of you has a dispute with another, dare he take it before the ungodly for judgment instead of before the saints? 2 Do you not know that the saints will judge the world? And if you are to judge the world, are you not competent to judge trivial cases? 3 Do you not know that we will judge angels? How much more the things of this life! 4 Therefore, if you have disputes about such matters, appoint as judges even men of little account in the church!” (I Corinthians 6:1-5)

When individuals are in disagreement, misunderstanding, or have offended or been offended, the first step is to address the situation one-to-one. God’s Word tells us that we should go to that person and try to work out our differences personally and privately (see Matthew 5:23-24; 18:15). Special care should be taken when there is abuse or a power differential that calls for assistance and safety in the first step.​

If repeated efforts to reconcile differences in private do not succeed, the Bible teaches that we Christians should seek assistance from other Christians in resolving the matter (see Philippians 4:2,3 and Matthew 18:16).

This is the foundation for Christian Conciliation. Crossroads Resolution Group is ready to help resolve conflicts between individuals, within families, and between marriage partners. If a conflict or dispute is affecting you, your family, or your marriage, reach out to us today .  We provide assistance in the following ways:

Conflict Coaching

Our conciliators help individuals on one or both sides of the conflict prepare to have a beneficial conversation with one another. Participants are helped to evaluate the situation and their own roles in the conflict; then respond in a way that glorifies God and encourages reconciliation. Coaching is provided through phone/video conferences or on-site visits, depending on the needs and resources of the parties involved.

More Information

Conflict Coaching Proposal and Agreement

 Marriage and Family Intensives

Marriage relationships and family relationships are unique to all our other relationships. It is in marriage and family relationships that we desire and find many of our greatest joys. We also experience some of our greatest sorrows in those same relationships. Those sorrows are often broken or strained relationships as a result of some form of conflict.

CRG Marriage and Family conciliation services are specifically designed to offer hope and help in those situations.  Our marriage and family services, while following our general conciliation process, have been tailored, through years of experience, to promote reconciliation and restoration in these most important relationships.  These intensives are designed to create a safe environment to address, in depth, the issues that create potential or experienced separation or loss of the marriage or family relationship.

More Information

Intensive Agreement Template


Mediation services for marriages and families can also follow the more typical mediation process. This process applies the hope of the Gospel and principles of biblical conflict resolution. Couples and families work together with a conciliator(s) to reconcile relationships and develop a customized plan with the long-term goal of restoring peace and joy to the relationship. A plan usually includes steps for personal growth for those involved, improved communication goals and skills, setting clear expectation and steps to accomplish mutually agreed upon goals.  This is not deep counseling or psychotherapy, however the agreed upon plan could include future counseling for issues that come to light during the conciliation process,

This process can also be used to address issues such as:

  • Property division where the marriage has not been reconciled
  • Parenting plans.
  • Family business disputes
  • Estate and Trust issues within a family


Arbitration is the process available in the event mediation does not resolve all of the material or substantive claims.  It is a legally binding process, which follows The Rules of Procedure for Christian Conciliation Arbitration is a cooperative, non-adversarial process that allows the parties to fully present their factual information and legal precedents and guidelines, with or without the assistance of attorneys.  The Arbitrator renders a legally binding and enforceable decision.

More Information

Arbitration Agreement

How to Prepare for Christian Arbitration


Equipping & Training

Conciliators are prepared to use Relational Wisdom as well as conflict resolution experience, knowledge and skills to assist you. We teach and apply these skills through seminars, workshops, retreats and ongoing coaching, consulting or group study relating specifically to marriage and family .

Assistance is Confidential

The parties and the conciliators must agree at the outset that, with few exceptions, the conciliators will not be asked to divulge information outside of the conciliation process or the ecclesiastical structure of the parties’ churches. In particular, they may not be subpoenaed to testify in subsequent legal proceedings (see Rules 16 and 17 of the Rules of Procedure). The parties are required to commit to not divulging information to people who do not have a necessary and legitimate interest in the conflict.